International Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (IRJSSH) is a peer reviewed International scholarly journal published by Al-Zouq Educational Research Centre. It is dedicated to scholarly study of all aspects of Social Sciences and Humanities. Objectives of IRJSSH are to provide a platform for researchers, academicians, and practitioners to share their research findings and innovative ideas in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities.It is to facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers and practitioners in different regions and disciplines to publish high quality, original, and innovative research papers that contribute to the advancement of knowledge which further affect the overall development of peace in the society.The main objective of the International Research Journal of Social Science and Humanities (IRJSSH) is to offer an intellectual platform to the International scholars and it aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in Humanities and Social Sciences.All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subject to a double-blind peer review process.
Current Issue
Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024): (OCT-DEC 2024)