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Saba Naz
Sadaf Ahmed


This research examines the opinions of Pakistan's current Twitter users on the revolution that came after the Taliban held Afghanistan. This research particularly focuses on the usage of sensationalism or peace on the tweets that the Pakistani audience shared on Twitter.We aimed to use our analysis approach to see how much the sensational media element encompass the consumers. As nowadays social media gives freedom of speech to its users and we are vouching that the Pakistani audience loves to debate on political issues, specifically on Twitter. As time is passing the peace from media is relinquishing somewhere and on most media platforms sensationalism is soaring. As we took the case study of the Taliban's regime in Afghanistan and how they revolutionized the country with their government we want to discern how their new government would be witnessed in the Pakistani audience's eyes and how we absorb this change in the region as Afghanistan is an Islamic and our neighbor country too. This study intends to see how the abundance of thoughts passed on Twitter on the Taliban's control over Afghanistan; a revolution that came after many years of war on terror. For this, we'll use Qualitative and Quantitative methods. For that purpose and to complete our research we collected a large-scale measurement and analysis of different popular hashtags on Twitter that were used after August 2021(the time after which the US forces started leaving the country). The data that we procured would help to see that how the case was consumed in the minds of Pakistani Twitter users; basically, it's a critical analysis that would illustrate that how the sensational media create stories and then how social media users apprehend it. As we all know that hate discourses are the common problem of our society and sometimes, they reshape the conceptions on a specific subject so in this case we also desire to see how the case was discussed on Twitter and how and why it is connected to Pakistan.

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How to Cite
Naz, S., & Ahmed , S. (2024). CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF AFGHNISTAN’S FREEDOM ON TWITTER. International Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 20–33. Retrieved from