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Rana Umair Abrar Khan
Dr. Rao Qasim Idrees
Ali Shahid


Pakistan's Climate Change Act of 2017 represents a significant milestone in the country's efforts to address the challenges posed by climate change. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the Act's implementation, effectiveness, and impact on Pakistan's climate policy landscape. Through a systematic analysis of key components, including implementation mechanisms, enforcement frameworks, institutional support, stakeholder engagement, and effectiveness in achieving stated objectives, this study offers valuable insights into the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement within Pakistan's climate governance framework. The evaluation of implementation mechanisms reveals the importance of robust institutional arrangements, administrative structures, and coordination mechanisms in driving forward climate action. Effective enforcement frameworks and compliance levels are identified as crucial factors in ensuring adherence to environmental standards and regulations. Institutional support and stakeholder engagement emerge as critical drivers of broad-based participation and ownership of climate policies, highlighting the need for inclusive decision-making processes and mechanisms for public participation and feedback.Furthermore, the study assesses the Climate Change Act's effectiveness in achieving its stated objectives, including mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing climate resilience, and mainstreaming climate considerations into development planning processes. Progress towards emission reduction, renewable energy deployment, ecosystem resilience enhancement, and mainstreaming of climate considerations is evaluated to provide a comprehensive picture of the Act's impact on Pakistan's climate policy landscape. Overall, this study underscores the importance of continuous evaluation and adaptation in climate policy. By identifying areas for improvement and opportunities for enhancement, it aims to inform evidence-based decision-making and catalyze action towards a more sustainable and climate-resilient future for Pakistan and its people.

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How to Cite
Abrar Khan, R. U., Qasim Idrees , D. R., & Shahid , A. (2024). PAKISTAN’S CLIMATE CHANGE ACT: EVALUATING IMPACTS, EFFICACY, AND PROSPECTS FOR FUTURE PROGRESS. International Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(1), 332–348. Retrieved from